We had our second doctors appointment on Friday. So strange that we are almost half way through this pregnancy and have only seen the doctor twice. We actually got to listen to the hartbeat twice because she had a student doctor with her. He came in and introduced himself to us and asked how we were doing. He said he was going to try and find the heartbeat but wanted to let us know if he was unable to find it not to worry- because that, by no means, meant that something was wrong. I think he was nervous. I of course was nervous for our baby, but I think my nervousness for him was more. I layed there and hoped that he could find the heartbeat- because I knew he would be disappointed if he couldn't, and could sense that he knew it would make me worry. But he found it! And what a beautiful sound it was! Then Dr. H came in and she found the heartbeat again. She said I need to slow down on my weigh gain :/ Which to me was a little surprising. From what I have read you should gain about 1 pound a week in the second and third trimester. I had put on 8 pounds since our last visit (at 12 weeks I believe) So I thought I was doing pretty good at the one pound a week. I do know I started out heavier, so I guess I need to keep a closer eye on what I'm eating- or maybe up the exercise. Here is our 19 week photo and stats.
far along: 19 weeks- we are getting closer and closer to the half way mark!
week baby is the size of: a large mango.
Next appointment: We just saw the doctor Friday, we have our ultrasound this Friday.
I obviously need to up this. I have been trying to walk more, and also have done some prenatal yoga.
marks: None that I can see
nope, the doctor couldn't see any swelling when I was checked Friday.
Ok these questions are getting silly- it seems like I keep putting the same answers. I may need to change the format!
Yes I'm wearing maternity clothes, but can still do some of my pre-prego shirts. The pants I haven't really tried, but I'm sure they wouldn't be as comfortable as prego-pants and yoga pants, so I'm just steering clear. My belly button hasn't changed, I still am not having any real food cravings or aversions, no labor signs, my sleep patterns vary- I do know that having Matt at home sleeping with me again, HIS sleeping patterns have changed. I wiggle and move normally- but it seems twice as much trying to get comfortable and having to move pillows around when I move postions- I think it disturbs him more than me.
Highlight of the week: We had our yardsale, didn't do too bad. We made a little bit of cash, got rid of some things, decided to donate some things, and brought a lot of my school stuff back into the house. I just can't part with it (or atleast not part with it to the good will). I plan to see if any teacher friends can use it. As we get closer to Thanksgiving and getting the nursery ready more of it may end up in the Goodwill pile. But for now, it's in boxes and stacked in different places around the house.
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