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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Vaginal Birth Plan

I posted my wishes for a c section birth a couple days ago. Here is what I had written had we been able to have a vaginal birth

The following are a list of items that we would like to accomplish during our labor and delivery with your help. We understand that certain emergencies or other medical circumstances may not allow for the accommodations of our goals.
We ask that if an event should arrive where assistance is needed that the benefits and risks (and alternatives) be discussed with both my husband and I; and private time given for discussion before making a decision.

I would like to give birth without the use of pain medication. Please refrain from offering me any type of pain medicine. I will inform you if I change my mind.

I would like that ability to walk, move around and change positions freely during labor, therefore would like the minimum amount of monitoring necessary.

As long as vitals for myself and baby look good, and I wish to continue, I ask that I am allowed to labor as long as I wish without intervention (including artificially breaking my waters, pitocin, etc.)

If interventions are needed we would like the most noninvasive interventions possible (nipple stimulation)

I would like to limit internal exams to once upon arrival and once before pushing. As well as any time that I feel the need to be checked.

We wish to avoid having a routine IV and would prefer to have a Hep-Lock if needed.

I would like to delay cord clamping for a minimum of five minutes.

My husband would like to cut the cord. We would like have the cord blood donated to the cord blood bank.

I would like my husband tell me the sex of the baby.

I prefer for the lights to be dim and noise kept to a minimum during delivery.

I would like the opportunity to be able to eat and drink at my will during labor.

There were only a few things my doctor said wouldn't be possible. The vaginally exams- she said I would have to be checked (every two hours I think) but she said she would extend it sometimes but she had to keep track of how I was progressing. And she also said I would have to have an IV per hospital policy. I did not fight her on either of these things because they honestly weren't top of my list.

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